Install Back to Back D-Form & Square Enkel Entry Handle Set

General Information



Hardware supplied

  • 2 x 100mm long 6mm Bolts
  • 2 x prefixed black Button Keyhole fixings (on rear of the backing plate)
  • 2 x Prefixed Green buttons (on rear of 1 handle face)
  • 1 x Allen key


Supplied configuration

  • The exterior face is supplied with the backing plate that is pre-fixed and fitted with 2 metal threaded inserts.
  • The interior face is fitted with 2x green buttons at the rear.
  • The interior backing plate (loose part) and fitted with 2 black keyhole fixings.
  • The size of the handle will determine where the button fixings will be located. See table.



  • Always follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions when using power tools and adhesives.
  • Wear safety glasses throughout the installation.


Tools and equipment required

  • Safety glasses
  • Drill and 8mm drill bit
  • Handle set and fittings
  • Pencil
  • Measuring tape
  • Allen key


Prepare the door

  • It is recommended to position the handle (as per the example diagrams below) from the base of the door and the inset according to the handle size (this is optional)
  • Mark the height and distance from the edge of the door.





  • Mark the location for the 2 bolt holes. See relevant distances below. Important that you check for accuracy.
  • Drill 8mm holes through door at the points marked out above from either side to avoid break out.




  • The pre-fixed handle and backing plate must be fitted to the exterior face of the door.
  • Ensure the handle is pre-finished on all faces prior to installation.


  • Remove the backing plate with the yellow sticker ‘loose part’


  • Insert the long bolts through the rear of the loose backing plate.
  • Note: Black keyhole fittings should face outwards and above centre as shown below.

STEP 2  

  • Next, pass the bolts through the door hole

STEP 3      

  • Connect the bolts to the threaded inserts of the prefixed face/backing plate on the exterior side of the door. Tighten firmly using the Allen key.  



  • Install the remaining face. Align the wide opening of the black fittings with the green buttons.

STEP 5    

  • At the top of the face firmly push down to click it into place.

If a mallet is needed, ensure to protect the surface of the handle prior to tapping to avoid risk of damage.

NB: Exterior handles require a quality exterior finish on all surfaces including the entire rear surface to protect from water damage.